The environment is a human right interconnected with many others, such as the right to food, to water, to life itself. The United Nations Human Rights Council (Unhrc) adopted resolution 48/13 on Friday, October 8. A document of historic significance, proposed by Costa Rica, Maldives, Morocco, Slovenia and Switzerland and approved with 43 votes in favor and 4 abstentions (Russia, India, China and Japan). Unhrc invites the entire UN apparatus, as well as the various international organizations, companies and civil society, to contribute personally to ensure this right for all. Such a strong stance cannot be ignored at Cop 26, the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change that will begin in Glasgow on October 31.
The triple crisis of climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity has vast and far-reaching consequences for human rights, including the right to food, water, education, housing, health and life itself. The Human Rights Council's decisive action in recognizing the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is about protecting people and the Planet: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. It is also about protecting the natural systems that are fundamental preconditions for the life and livelihood of all people, wherever they live.
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